Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Pipe burner info

 Meats and Sausages is another good source of info.  They have a great explanation about why venturis are needed and how to make you own burners along with info on canning, brewing and food preservation in general.

Allied Kenco has a data sheet with suggested hole numbers and sizes for pipe burners. They also have a great tips section on smoking, jerky etc. 

Burners Inc. posts their specs here

And you can use the chart located here to figure our a BTU estimate.

On a side note, in my Physics class many, many years ago the teacher created a propane burner pipe that connected to a disposable gas cylinder on one end and had a rubber membrane with a 3 inch speaker glued in place.  Music caused the flames to dance and solid tones held sine waves just like on the O-scope....maybe I'll make one.

Selas has a very good tutorial with charts for calculating the size of your burner. If you really want to dig deeper they have a PDF version that's more technical.

Technically these are called atmospheric pipe burners. There's even a NIST technical paper on them.


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