Several years ago my brother-in-law gave me this C. S. Bell Number 2 Grist Mill. They may still be in business. Their website is up but has many broken links. I plan to put the burrs in the e-tank. The rest of the machine will be cleaned up so I can use it but other than that will be left in "as found" state. I like the patina on the adjustment screw and level so that's staying.I saw another blog post that's I can't find now where they seasoned the burrs just like a cast iron skillet. Might be worth a shot but I'm not sure how well that finish will hold up. I guess the worst that would happen is that it'll be burnished off.

The main
complaint from modern folks that use these is that the cavity fills with
hulls and milling as you can see in the pictures. Not a big deal to me
it came apart very easily so there's no reason not to maintain it
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