Last year we managed to drive home right as a derecho hit. Traffic is going slowly. Amazingly everyone is driving like they're sane; other than we all should have really stopped. We came to a tree that was blocking most of the road. It's down to a partial lane and the shoulder. Cars are taking turns. Everything is moving nicely. The other side is now clear of cars and it's now our turn to go around the very obvious obstacle. I watch as a tractor trail approaches, at normal speed - marked 55 so he's going at least 60. I don't think he's going to stop. My wife says, "He's not going to stop." So I wait. We watch as he hits the tree and his truck launches into the air. He lands with his trailer doing a fishtail bounce. Thankfully he doesn't flip. He never slowed, just kept on going.
Friday, February 24, 2023
Thursday, February 23, 2023
C.S. Bell Number 2 Grist Mill
Several years ago my brother-in-law gave me this C. S. Bell Number 2 Grist Mill. They may still be in business. Their website is up but has many broken links. I plan to put the burrs in the e-tank. The rest of the machine will be cleaned up so I can use it but other than that will be left in "as found" state. I like the patina on the adjustment screw and level so that's staying.I saw another blog post that's I can't find now where they seasoned the burrs just like a cast iron skillet. Might be worth a shot but I'm not sure how well that finish will hold up. I guess the worst that would happen is that it'll be burnished off.

Friday, February 10, 2023
Friday, February 3, 2023
Spanish Rice
We're having a Mexican themed movie night/potluck at church tonight. My wife thought we should take our version of restaurant style Spanish rice. I’m making a triple sized batch in the pictures.
- 1 tbsp olive oil
- 1 cup Basmati rice
- 1 14.5 oz can chicken stock
- 1/4 cup water
- tbsp tomato bouillon
- tbsp finely diced onion
- ¼ cup corn
Heat the pan and add the olive oil. Sauté the onions until just transparent. Add the rice and toast slightly. Add the chicken stock, water, and tomato bouillon. Bring to a boil , cover and cook for approximately 12 minutes.
Toasting the rice will give it a slightly nutty flavor. You're trying to brown it like Rice-a-Roni. I really don't care for plain white rice. I use basmati rice for everything. You could use minute rice for this recipe. That's what most of the Mexican restaurant use. For weeknight dinner I often skip the onion and just use a little onion powder. I keep a bag of frozen corn to add. The Knorr bouillon comes in chicken and beef. I just use a heaping spoon.
Rice is cooked two to one water to rice. A can of stock is not 16 oz so you have to add a little water. The first line in the bottom of the can is 1/4 cup - that's one less thing to wash.
Wednesday, February 1, 2023
Shale Splitter
I like to do a little rock hounding/ fossil hunting when I'm traveling. I make it to Eastern WV and North Western Virginia around the Lost River area once or twice a year. I've been looking for a good tool for splitting the shale that holds the trilobites found there. They range from thumbnail sized to 2 1/2 inches.
I needed a little to bump up an Amazon order for free shipping so I slipped this Hultafors Chisel Knife in the cart. At $9 I'm not worried about chipping it up and for the price I can buy 3 for the cost of the Stanley chisel knife that looks to be stronger. It feels good in the hand and the sheath is very secure. The blade is beveled on both sides. We'll see how it holds up. Spring is coming.
You can read about the location on Fossil Guy. This is a very well know area but I've only run into one other person while I was there; not the crowds like you see in the pictures. The area is littered with road cuts that also hold fossils so if you go make sure you explore the side roads.
I've also found Spiriferid Brachiopods in the more fragile, oily shale but were difficult to remove any intact.