Monday, February 5, 2024


One of the benefits of working from home is saving wear and tear and milage on the vehicles. The truck is used for most business trips, hauling trash and is my primary ride. The mustang goes to church every Sunday or she gets cranky and eats her battery. Neither one is used daily.  

On the last work trip I noticed the truck's mileage was really bad. I normally average around 25mpg. It's down to 19. So a little sleuthing was in order. I didn't remember ever having the air filter changed while doing the oil so I started there. The air cleaner box is fed from the wheelwell which I found interesting. No "forced" air from the front grill. After getting it open of course I found that it was way past due for changing. I also found a deep layer of nut hulls. I blew it out with compressed air and then started looking for other mischief. 

When I was younger and newly divorced I rented a house that had a detached workshop/garage. It was the perfect place to park my brand new Mazda SE7 pickup. This was the first nee vehicle I'd ever bought. That shop was infested with squirrels. One day the truck was running like crap so I took it to the dealer where the found the dang things had chewed on all of the spark plug wires. Darn things...

Looking around under the hood I found a very snug looking, fuzzy nest pulled from the insulation on the firewall. Thankfully I haven't found any other damage.

I'm surprised they tried to make a home there. The neighborhood cats all hide under the truck. Gun-dog must inspect for cats on every walk.  At least the issue was minimal.Mileage is back up in the 24-25mpg range again.


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