Wednesday, March 6, 2024


Uncle G – "The idea is to have fun. "

Dad's older brother, Uncle G coached Little League. My cousin and I were on the same team.  The Orioles. He was a pitcher and I was the catcher and sometime center fielder.  I now have bad knees and both thumbs lock up from time to time from being jammed while play baseball.  Frankly we weren't very good.  Individually we did well enough but we never really caught on to the teamwork aspect of the game. So the idea was to just have fun.  When we all relaxed enough to enjoy the game we played much better.  

I still take myself too seriously sometimes but for the most part I try to just have a good time.  He taught me that if a thing Is worth doing, It's worth doing poorly. Go have fun. who cares of you're "not that good"? Go have fun.

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